Seasons Greetings!
I fully intended to publish the rest of the Billionaire Brothers series by Christmas. My apologies. Unfortunately, life happened. After some scary health issues, and recentering my life, I've decided to let go of what I can't finish this year and get a good start on it after the New Year.
Another thing that has come up is that my husband, Charles, and I will be moving from Texas back to Oklahoma just after Christmas. We moved to Texas to help our daughter when her husband had a stroke three years ago. He's doing well, and we're excited to move back into our own home.
Especially because it means Charles and I will have separate offices, again. We're both authors, so we tend to distract each other quite often when talking out a plot twist or speaking dialog aloud to see if it sounds right. I think he's as excited as I am. 😀 We both have plans to record some of our works in the future, which will be so much easier in a private office.
Have a blessed holiday!
Take care,